dubai baggage restrictions finally made simple

know about baggage restrictions at dubai airport


Baggage restrictions are among the top concerns of every international traveler. It is extremely crucial to know the amount of luggage that is permitted on your Dubai flight and if you’re traveling to Dubai through the UAE’s state-owned airline - Emirates, this article is a concise guide about Dubai carry-on baggage restrictions and intends to explain the permissible and non-chargeable volume of luggage that you can carry with you on your trip to Dubai. 

How is a Passenger’s Luggage Calculated

A big reason to travel to Dubai through Emirates Airlines is the most generous baggage allowance ever on an airline. This is a big differentiator among different commercial airlines and you must consider the volume of luggage that the airline is allowing you to carry. 

Talking about how these airlines calculate the luggage that a passenger is carrying, the calculation is based on 2 concepts, which are described below. 

  • Weight Concept

Under the Weight Concept, the airline calculates the threshold based on the total weight of the luggage. This means that the boundaries are set in terms of weight and the passenger is charged if the total weight of his luggage crosses the threshold weight. 

This is the most common concept followed by the majority of the airlines on most of the routes in the world as it is a much more reliable and more realistic method to calculate the amount of luggage with the passenger. 

  • Piece Concept 

Unlike the Weight Concept, Piece Concept has no direct relationship with the weight of the luggage, rather the boundaries are set in terms of the total pieces of luggage that a passenger is carrying i.e. the number of bags, suitcases, etc. 

This is a lesser-used concept of measuring luggage and is applied to some routes only. For instance, the Piece Concept is used for flights coming from/going to Africa and America.

Factors Influencing Baggage Allowance 

Your baggage allowance offered by a flight to Dubai depends on numerous factors. Here is the list.

  • The country you’re traveling from
  • The fare of your flight
  • The class in which you’re traveling
  • Offers received from your booking website/credit card
  • If you’re a student who’s traveling to your home country, you may get an extra baggage allowance on some flights 
  • Flight membership (for example, Emirates Skywards Platinum, Gold, or Silver membership get additional baggage allowance on international travel through Emirates)

Baggage Allowance (Weight Concept)

As talked about above, limits are set on the total weight of your baggage. There are no restrictions on the number of bags that you can take with you to Dubai until it doesn’t exceed the permissible weight. 

Baggage Allowance for Emirates Economy Class

Here is the weight of baggage that you can carry with you in the Emirate’s Economy Class. 

Class of Travel




`Flex Plus

Baggage Allowed (in kg)






Dubai Baggage Allowance for Other Classes

Here is the luggage allowance that you’ll get if you’re traveling in classes other than the Economy class. 


Luggage Allowed (in kg)

First Class


Business Class


Premium Economy



Some Important Considerations Under the Weight Concept

Apart from the total weight of the luggage that you’re carrying, here are some other things that are counted under the Weight Concept. 

  • No bag should exceed a weight of 32kg individually
  • The total dimensions of a bag i.e. length + width + height should be less than 118 inches (300 cm). Any bag exceeding this limit will not be allowed on the aircraft

Luggage Allowance Under the Piece Concept

The Piece Concept puts no restrictions on the total weight i.e. a traveler can carry a certain number of bags and each bag is assigned an individual allowance. This allowance depends on the class and fare of your flight (the complete list of factors is mentioned in the above sections). 

Here is the luggage allowance that you’ll enjoy in Emirates under the Piece Concept.


Luggage Allowance


1 bag of 23kg

2 bags of 23kg each under Saver, Flex, and Flex Plus classes


2 pcs - 23 kg


2 pcs - 32 kg


2 pcs - 32 kg


How to Travel to Dubai

Every foreign tourist needs to obtain a valid Dubai tourist visa to visit Dubai. You can rely on Dubai Transit E-Visa to apply for a Dubai visa online as the platform facilitates simple and straightforward means of getting your visa through a no-login application system. Enjoying a 100% success rate, we guarantee you a visa and that too, in less than 3 days. We hold a record of approving 500k+ visas and looking for an opportunity to serve you with the best visa services. You can contact us through the mail, call, or built-in chat support and we’ll provide you with a satisfactory solution to your query. 

In The End

Taking the luggage limit seriously can save you from paying an additional fee at the airport. Thus, make sure to check the luggage allowance offered by your flight and immigrate to Dubai effortlessly.

Apply Dubai Transit Visa

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