medical attendant visa

checking out dubai medical attendant visa

Post By : Rahul

Dubai enjoys a reputed position among the countries with the best healthcare facilities and medical infrastructure. According to DHA Dubai, more than 630,000 international health tourists visited the emirate last year and spent over AED 750 million, which is completely justified because of the quality of healthcare the country has achieved. 

In this article, we’ll understand what a Dubai medical attendant visa is and what all you need to do if you want to apply for this visa in the country.

Medical Attendant Visa - What it is

If you’re visiting Dubai for getting medical treatment, you might want to take a family member or a personal attendant with you who can take care of you in the country. This becomes quite crucial if you're about to undergo a major operation, surgery, or treatment and require strict personal attention. And in such a scenario, a medical attendant visa comes into the picture as a saviour. 

A Dubai medical attendant visa is a special type of tourist visa that allows a personal attendant or a family member to visit the country along with the patient whose medical visa has been approved by the government of Dubai and is about to receive treatment in the country. The visa works co-terminus with a Dubai medical visa as a medical visa holder is required in order to get a medical attendant visa. 

It must be noted that only 2 persons are allowed on a medical attendant visa - the medical visa holder (i.e. the patient who is getting treatment in Dubai) and the attendant. 

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What Do You Need to Get Your Dubai Medical Attendant Visa

Not every person receiving medical treatment in Dubai can apply for a medical attendant visa and take a personal attendant/family member with him. To prevent hacking of the concept of attendant visa, the visa authorities of Dubai demand certain documents be submitted and formalities to be met to approve a medical attendant visa. 

What is a Medical Attendant Confirmation Letter?

The first and most important document for applying for a Medical attendant visa is the letter of confirmation. A letter of confirmation is a letter issued by a recognized and specialized hospital or treatment center in Dubai, declaring that the patient (who is visiting Dubai on a medical visa) requires a personal medical attendant. The letter should necessarily state the name of the applicant to recommend him as the patient’s attendant in Dubai. You may contact the hospital/treatment center to get this letter issued in your attendant’s name. 

Other Important Documents for a Dubai Medical Attendant Visa

Apart from a confirmation letter, an applicant is supposed to submit some other documents as well, which include a mixture of both generic as well as treatment-specific documents. Here are all the necessary documents to be submitted to get a Medical attendant visa in Dubai

1. Dubai medical attendant visa application form: A medical attendant visa applicant must fill out an application form to apply for a visa. The form has to be filled out and submitted online. Make sure that the form contains the signature of the applicant. 

2. Passport-size photographs of the applicant: The applicant needs to submit 2 passport-size photographs with dimensions 51x51 mm. Here are the other guidelines that your photograph must follow. 

  • Make sure that the photos are not older than 3 months.
  • There should be no uniform in the photograph
  • Must be clicked on a white background and the applicant should wear a dark dress.
  • The photograph must be a frontal view and ears, chin, eyebrows, forehead, and other facial features must be clearly visible
  • It should not be edited or blurred (applications with unclear photographs will be rejected straight away)

3. Original passport of the applicant 

4. A copy of the applicant’s original passport must be submitted. It must be issued by their home country and should be in perfect condition. 

5. Document for showing relationship with the patient: A document is needed that shows the applicant’s relationship with the patient going for medical treatment in Dubai. 

6. Treatment credentials: A copy of the credentials of the treatment is required to apply for a visa. This includes the name and country of the patient, date of treatment, duration of the treatment, etc. 

Visiting as a Medical Attendant in Dubai

You can get started with your Dubai medical visa application process by visiting the Dubai Transit E-Visa visa application portal. Our team has been working with zeal and zest to make the tedious visa process extremely simple for our customers and has been successful in offering a 0% visa rejection rate to our customers. We boast more than 500k customers who got their visas in less than 72 hours with 100% accuracy. You can get in touch with us and get your medical attendant visa in the shortest possible time. 

Also Read: Things to Remember While Traveling to Dubai

The Final Words

Taking a medical assistant with you could be of great help in a country like Dubai. Don’t hesitate to apply for a medical attendant visa and come back healthy to your home!

Apply Dubai Transit Visa

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