how can i file complaint against my employer in uae

know how to file a complaint against your employer in DubaI

Post By : Rahul

Dubai never hesitates to take action against violations of its labour laws. This inclination towards providing a secure and healthy working environment to the employees is one of the major perks of getting a Dubai work visa and working as a salaried employee in the country. 

But what happens if your employer violates one of your rights as an employee? What steps can you take and what remedies can you seek? If you’re looking for answers to such questions, this article is the perfect place as we’ll explain how you can file a complaint against your employer in the UAE in case of employee rights violation. 

Some Important Labor Laws in the UAE

Labor laws are a set of regulations implemented by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) (which is also known as the Ministry of Labor) to protect the rights of employees and settle disputes in workplaces. These laws are quite rigid and are mentioned transparently for the employees and employer to abide by. 

Here are some important labor laws in the UAE.

  • No employee can be employed without a fixed-term contract. Also, the term of the contract can’t exceed 3 years. It can be renewed on maturity.
  • There are 6 models of working:
    1. Full-time
    2. Temporary
    3. Part-time
    4. Flexible
    5. Job sharing
    6. Remote working
  • The probationary period given to an employee can’t exceed 6 months. A 14 days notice is mandatory in case of dismissal. 
  • A 14 day's notice is mandatory to be given by the employee if he/she is leaving the UAE
  • A 30 day’s notice is required in case the employee is leaving the job to join some other employer in the UAE
  • The cost of recruitment will be claimed from the employee if he/she leaves the company within the probationary period
  • It is mandatory for employers with 50+ employees to have a grievances policy and a disciplinary sanctions policy.
  • Only 2 hours of overtime is allowed per day. There can be a maximum of 144 working hours (including overtime) per 3 weeks. 
  • The pay for the overtime hours will be calculated at the basic pay rate

When Can You File a Complaint Against Your Employer

Federal Law No. 8 of 1980 grants you the right to file a complaint against your employer in the following cases. 

  • Unsafe working environment 
  • No leaves on public holidays 
  • No maternity leaves for pregnant women
  • Delayed salary/wages
  • The employer is not returning the employee’s passport
  • Work hours exceed 8-9 hours per day
  • Gratuity pay is not granted on retirement 
  • No notice period given before termination 

Also Read: Emergency Helps in UAE

How to File a Complaint for Labor Law Violation

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) facilitates simple and transparent means to raise a complaint against your employer for violating labor laws. The response time is commendable. Once you raise a complaint, the authorities will look into the matter, listens to the arguments with both parties, and tries to settle the dispute.

Raising a Complaint Online

MOHRE provides an option to raise a dispute online through its e-channel. Here’s how you can do it. 

  1. Visit MOHRE’s e-channel or download the mobile app
  2. Click on the ‘Register Labour Complaints’ option to register a new complaint
  3. Click on ‘Start Service’.
  4. Select “Complaint Type’
  5. Enter the following details 
    • Applicant Type
    • Work Permit Number
    • Unified Number
  6. Fill in the required details in your complaint form.
  7. Submit the form

Once your request is submitted, it will be transferred to the concerned department for approval. The average approval time is 72 hours i.e. you will be contacted by a legal advisor within 3 days of submitting a request.

Raising a Complaint through MOHRE’s Helpline

If you don’t want to resort to the e-channel for submitting a request, you can use MOHRE’s helpline number to raise a dispute. Here are the steps involved in this.

  1. Call the helpline number at 80060.
  2. Your call will be attended by a representative, who will understand your query and handle your request
  3. The request will be transferred to the Department of Complaints and Advice if the representative is unable to handle your query.
  4. In case, both departments are unable to solve the dispute, both parties have the right to take the case to the court. 

How to Get Your Dubai Work Visa

You can apply for a Dubai work visa in no time by contacting the visa team at Dubai Transit E-Visa. We know how to handle Dubai visa applications to get approval in a surprisingly less time and that too, with a 100% success rate. We hold a record to sponsor 500k+ visas in a very short time because of the quality of services that we provide. If you too are planning to work in Dubai, this is the perfect time to submit a "Dubai work visa application". 

Also Read: 14 Days Dubai Transit Visa

In The End

Dubai takes its labor laws seriously and solves most of them very proficiently. The country provides great work opportunities and is welcoming you to work and prosper!



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