knowing your dubai evisa details on the visa and their meaning

dubai evisa details and their meaning

Post By : Rahul


E-Visa to UAE empowers its holders to remain in Dubai or another city for 30 or 90 days and fills in as a solitary or multiple-entry permit (contingent upon the chosen UAE e-Visa type). All information given in the application form should be without mistakes in every case two-fold check the data you put while applying.

Details on the Dubai e-visa

Knowing your documents and being aware of the terminology used enables you to be more aware of the details and information it provides. It is important to note that a Dubai visa has all the details written in English as well as Arabic.

  • On the very top of the visa, the validity of the permit is mentioned in capital letters.  
  • Below the validity comes the logo. The ministry’s name, nation's name, and General Directorate of Residency and Foreign Affairs are written in English on the left of the logo and in Arabic, on the right.
  • The picture of the bearer is printed on the left-most side of the document. 
  • In the middle of the document, the type of visa issued is mentioned.


All the intricate details are followed below

  • The holder’s picture.
  • The entry permit number is written just below the picture. It must have at least seven characters and can exceed up to more characters.
  • The visas also mention the date of entry along with the place of entry.
  • The validity date is printed on the visa to mention to its holder for how long the visa is valid.
  • A unique ID number or application ID is mentioned to serve the purpose of verifying the document.
  • While applying for a visa it is necessary to mention the motive of the visit. The visa that is issued mentions your purpose of visit

The visa also includes the personal details of the bearer.

  • First and foremost the name of the holder is mentioned.
  • The nationality that was submitted while filling out the application form is also mentioned.
  • Place and date of birth are also provided.
  • The visa also mentions the passport number of the candidate. The passport number is to be filled in while filling out the application form
  • The profession of the holder is mentioned.
  • Lastly, the sponsor of the person is mentioned. To enter Dubai every candidate requires a sponsor and hence it is mentioned in the visa. 

A note mentioning that the candidate shall not leave the country till their permit is cancelled is provided at the end of the document. Towards the end of the Dubai visa, the signatures of all the officials have been electronically printed to validate the visa. It is always better to take a coloured printout of official documents to prevent ambiguous reading of the details mentioned. 


Necessary details for a Dubai e visa

  • Before applying for a Dubai e-visa you must decide the type of visa you require and fill out the purpose of the visit accordingly. An individual’s nationality also plays a major role in determining the type of visa they’ll receive.
  • These electronic visas are made available to their owners through the mail. These visas ought to be printed out and sent for examination by a development official.
  • The kind of visa given to a singular depends upon the going factors.
  • Individual's nationality.
  • The rationale for the visit.
  • The term of the stay.

How and where to apply for a Dubai e-visa?

Dubaiteansitevisa's main objective is to make your trip immaculate and without strain. Stop focusing on glancing through the movement visa for Dubai, tourist visas for Dubai, and visit visas for Dubai in various locales. We are the answer to all of your requests.


Follow the accompanying moves to acquire a visa

  1. While filling Dubai Visa Application pick your living and citizenship country.
  2. Dubai gives a couple of sorts of visas on the requirements of the promising newcomer. Pick the sort of visa you wish for.
  3. Wrap up the application form with the nuances mentioned to indicate.
  4. Submit the significant reports, for instance, shaded distinguishing proof assessed photographs and visas.
  5. We give you different portion entryways. Select the portion mode as shown by your common sense.
  6. After the portion is asserted from our end you will get a portion certification mail.
  7. The attestation mail will allude to your application id. With the application ID, you can get your e-visa.
  8. The application ID in like manner helps you with following visa status on the web.
  9. At the point when the visa is upheld, you can download it and look at your visa.

Eligibility guidelines for Dubai visa application

The UAE ID identification authorities ought to be educated regarding explicit things before they ought to have confidence about the decision of whether to give a visa to an individual. The UAE is careful while embracing visas to ensure that no individual upsets the working of their nations. While applying for a visa, you ought to communicate the inspiration driving your visit, the range, how you look to assist yourself while your visit, the authenticity and the kind of distinguishing proof you withhold, and your next development objective.



Dubai is to be sure a wonderful spot to visit. Each spot has its regulations and overseeing factors, as a conscious individual, each guest must ensure they don't upset the concordance of a country and maintain the guidelines and guidelines. Before visiting Dubai, one should make themselves mindful of the multitude of rules of the area. They ought to be known about their prerequisites so they can partake in a problem-free, tranquil, and worth recollecting excursion. Undoubtedly, even with a piece of the serious rules, you shouldn't hold down to visit Dubai anticipating that you should find the entryway. It's a superb objective, and one worth seeing without help from some other individual, with your perfect partner or with your whole family.

Apply Dubai Transit Visa

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